🌠Anyone as a Prompt Engineer

Introducing the Role of Prompt Engineer

Aivolution empowers users with the ability to design AI assistants, or "prompt engineers," tailored for a wide range of industries and tasks such as AI for developers, journalists, accountants, and more. Users can modify these AI assistants to meet specific requirements and preferences, and showcase their creations on the platform.

Creating Prompts with No Restrictions

Prompts can be crafted without restrictions and showcased for sale or rental in the Prompt Marketplace. Creators earn revenue through the proceeds of sales and rental fees when other users subscribe to their prompts.

Aivolution offers users the tools to create AI assistants, also known as "prompt engineers," for various industries and tasks, such as AI as a developer, AI as a journalist, AI as an accountant, and more. Users can customize these AI assistants based on specific needs and preferences and share their creations on the platform.

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